Colon Nutrition
Diet and proper nutrition are vital tools in the fight against colon cancer. Quickly building up clues supports consuming a healthy diet for both prevention and treatment. Generally, dietary recommendations encompass consuming less saturated fat and saline and eating a kind of colorful fruits and vegetables wealthy in vitamins and antioxidants. A healthy diet presents a multitude of advantages after preventing colon cancer by following the healthy guidelines underneath for preventing colorectal cancerous disease you may experience a multitude of other positive wholesome advantages including feeling more full of energy and losing weight.

Having plenty of brightly colored fruits and vegetables, fresh fish 1-3 times per week, limit consumption of red meat, avoid excess salt and saturated fats, maintain a healthy weight and keep physically active, limit alcohol consumption, avoid tobacco in any form will help to avoid colon cancer. There are some foods well identified as powerhouses of cancer battling antioxidants and nutrients. These super foods may currently be part of your everyday diet.

Lifestyle modifications include: Maintaining a healthy body weight and exercising to reduce the risk of obesity. Reduction of dietary fat and increased intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and protective omega-3 fats common in fatty fish and canola oil can be helpful. Diet is considered a determinant of increased risk in the development of colorectal cancer. Though it is difficult to ascertain which constituents of diet are most significant in increasing the risk of colorectal cancerous disease, convincing clues proposes a strong association between red beef and fat intake and colorectal cancer. Consumption of animal fat is positively associated with colorectal cancer, while consumption of fatty fish and low fat intake may lower risk. Obesity and lack of physical activity are also associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Weight Loss: maintaining a healthy diet is important for patients with colorectal cancer in order to withstand the rigors of treatment. A healthy diet includes: protein to maintain muscle mass and repair body tissue, fluids to prevent dehydration, carbohydrates and fats to produce the calories that supply fuel to the body for energy, vitamins and minerals to maintain normal body functioning. Nutritional status is assessed by body weight. Colorectal cancer treatment and side effects that cause weight loss and an unhealthy nutritional status include: diarrhea, nausea, sore mouth and throat and vomiting.

Dietary Modifications:

Patients with colorectal cancer can manage many of the side effects of treatment. As surgery can lead to fluid and electrolyte loss, they can supplement their diet with caffeine and alcohol-free drinks as possible. Sports drinks with electrolytes and liquid supplements such as Carnation boost etc. are also taken. Surgery can also lead to mal-absorption of some vitamins, where patients can add a regular multivitamin supplement to the diet. Patients are encouraged to eat a good variety of foods in order to get all of the necessary nutrients from food rather than from supplements. Folate, calcium and selenium are among the dietary nutrients that offer protection against colon cancer. To alleviate diarrhea, patients should drink clear fluids, consume low fiber, reduced fat nourishment, and bypass hefty, greasy nourishment, raw fruits and vegetables, strong flavors and caffeine.

All of the nutritional recommendations for patients who have completed colorectal cancer treatment are the opposite of what is recommended for patients during treatment. Throughout treatment diet is dictated to a great extent by the side effects a patient experiences and after treatment they now need to follow eating patterns that will maintain good health and prevent cancer and other chronic disease.

Both diet and exercise enhance the body's protecting against system, providing a harmful natural environment for cancer units. Diet and nutrition also play a part in complementary and alternate medicine. In addition to monitoring diet, palliative care may furthermore be helpful to alleviate pain and discomfort comprise.

8/29/2013 02:21:06 pm

Colon is the one organ which can play major role in healthy life. Unhealthy colon leads to so many health issues like bloating, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, colorectal cancer, IBS and even some times lead to death. Colon health depends on the diet and proper nutrition. These days most of the people are skipping diet and workouts due to busy schedules as a result they are facing health complications. By reading this type of information I hope some people come to know the importance of the diet and nutrition.

8/29/2013 08:34:37 pm

These types of articles are very useful to make people aware of the importance of healthy diet. Nowadays children are going under the umbrella of unhealthy diet. It’s mandatory to make children aware of the things about healthy diet, importance of healthy diet and colon health issues. Thank you for sharing the valuable info.

Rumy Reymond
9/2/2013 10:22:22 pm

Hi, Well written article… have done good job here but just want to pick out few points like you spoke about nutrition and didn’t say anything about the supplements. In this busy world taking only organic foods are very difficult so what do you suggest in this regards?
And one more things is; if you can give links of any good related articles in your article body then that would be very good reference for the reader. Thanks

9/4/2013 08:08:41 pm

Hello Rummy, thanks for commenting here. Natural supplements are always safe for our health. Of course they won’t give the quick results as other colon cleanser products but they give the long lasting results without any side effects. If the natural ways are ineffective you can go for organic supplements as per your doctor suggestion. I already posted on Colon Flow supplement which has the more natural ingredients please have a look.

Rumy Reymond
9/4/2013 08:30:51 pm

Hi Aliva, thank you so much for the response. Now a day, getting reply back is very difficult. Anyways, you are talking about natural supplements that are not prescribed by the doctor’s (as per my knowledge) because those supplements are not approved by FDA. There are several products/supplements on Colon Nutrition. Which one to believe is the question?

Every marketers says good to their Colon Nutrition Supplement, whom to trust?

Aliva Marion
9/9/2013 08:26:18 pm

You are welcome Rummy, natural supplements are nothing but the products which are found in nature. I mean to say proper diet which includes vegetables, fruits, salads, nuts, grains and beans are helpful for good colon health. These contains sufficient amount of fiber and fiber helps to promote bowel movements. Drinking more water and regular workouts are also helpful for colon health. So one should concentrate on these factors to avoid colon problems. In some cases these natural ways may ineffective in such cases they can go for colon cleansers by the suggestion of their nutritionist.

Rumy Reymond
9/9/2013 10:31:32 pm

Thanks Aliva for the clarification but I have one doubt again; if proper diet is equal to natural supplements then why to use natural supplements for colon cleanse and to keep colon healthy. I think instead of selling natural supplements products, selling vegetable would be the great idea. What do you say?


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