Colon issues have been helm these days. Researchers found a strong nexus between the lifestyle and diet patterns with the nemesis of colon health. According to CDC, in 2009 about 136717 people in the United States were identified with the colorectal cancer in which 70223 are men and 66494 are women. Making colon an important organ to know and study deeply. Colonoscopy, in simple words say be said to be an examination of inner lining of large intestine, mostly the colon and rectum.

Colonoscopy as discussed is a procedure that helps the gastrointestinal specialist to know briefly about insights of colon. Colonoscope is a thin flexible tube that is used to examine the inner parts of colon. This colonoscopy assists the examiner to find tumors, ulcers, polyps, inflammation parts, areas of bleeding etc. It is extremely helpful to conduct the biopsy and remove the abnormal carcinogenic growth in the colon. It is frequently used for diagnosing whether the subject has any carcinogenic symptoms or not. The abnormal growth in the colon is removed during the colonoscopy. When we observe about the colonoscope, it is a four feet flexible tube that has thickness of finger. It also has a camera and a source light at its tip so that the doctor can have images or videos of the process.

How Colonoscope is performed:
Before the colonoscopy, cleaning of the colon is required. It generally takes 1 to 2 days. The colon preparation may cause frequent bowel movement that is helpful in emptying the colon. It can be uncomfortable to the subject as he may feel hungry with the liquid diet. During the initiation of the colonoscopy process, subject is injected with the medicine to make him/her relax and to not feel any discomfort by the gastrointestinal specialist. A gown will be given to wear and said to lie on left side pulling knees up to the belly during the process. The colonoscope is inserted into the anal canal and gently moved up to the cecum through the rectum part. Air will also be sent for a better view. The GI specialist can use the tools to conduct biopsy to collect the cell samples or to remove the growths such as polyps. Subject doesn’t feel any sense of the removal. Normally this process takes place for about 45 minutes but can vary depending upon the result of the study.

After colonoscopy, the subject i.e. the person will be under observation for about 1 to 2 hours. Based upon his condition, he will be discharged. Doctors recommend neither driving nor working hard like operating machines for about 12 hours after the colonoscopy. Doctor specifies what to be consumed after the colonoscopy and when to start ingesting the normal diet. It is also suggested to take lot of liquids after the colon investigation so it can replace the lost fluids.

The colon preparation can make person feel uncomfortable due to the diarrhea and cramping. The subject may feel drowsy due to the medications used during the colonoscopy. Also some pain can be experienced during the passing of air. It is suggested to talk to the consultant about the pain.

If any colon polyp is identified and removed, there can be traces of blood in the stools. Often the doctors recommend after eliminating the colon polyps to not take any aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for about one to two weeks.

Contact Doctor after the colonoscopy if…

  • Observe rectal bleeding
  • Acute abdominal pain
  • Puking
  • Fever and feeling dizziness
  •   Firm belly

Risks Associated with the Colonoscopy:
There are very small chances of the risks with the colonoscopy. The colon wall may get pierced that may cause bleeding.
After performing the colonoscopy, the cell tissues are collected and are sent for the laboratory for examination. The things get diagnosed and person will be informed about the result.

Eleanora Dune
8/29/2013 09:24:33 pm

Even I hear lot of this procedure. My cousin had this in the past and suffered some side effects. She was earlier had chronic constipation and the various issues related to it. So when we took her to the GI specialist, he suggested due to her condition. It wasn’t a laborious process. After the procedure she is doing well these days. She was ill balanced of the electrolytes and later on suggestion of the specialists later on recovered. Now she is pink of health


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